Home Sweet Home ...
The welcoming committee (Ellen's friends) were equipped with party hats and those blower things that make rasberry sounds .... thanks guys, a nice welcome back to home turf .... I (Chris) sit here at 9 pm in the evening, every one else having succombed, desperately trying to hold off the desire to sleep to complete this one last blog entry ....
3. Machu Picchu - breathtaking in itself for what a civilisation could achieve hundreds of years ago
4. The Amazon basin - what can you say, the lungs of the planet and alive from dawn to dusk
6. San Pedro at Atatcama - sort of an extension of the high plans, but in Chile and deserving of mention in its own right - the El Tatio geysers and Moon Valley were individual highlights
Well, that about winds up the blog ... words cannot really add further to what we have alread talked about.
If a picture is worth a thousand words, we are not even sure how many photos we have .... Somewhere in the order of ten thousand we think ... 54 Gb on the storage module !!!
If you are interested, feel free to catch up with us for a look at some more pics .... or in due course the multimedia slide show will be available, although this will probably take many weeks to complete .... Thanks again to everyone who took interest in our travel blog and posted comments ... the trip is complete, but feel free to keep posting messages for another few days ....
Ciao !
Chris, Julie, Ellen, Tessa